Discoverability 101 - How To Make Your App Discovered & Reach More Users In 2022
As of 2022, 1.8 million apps are in the App Store and 2.5 million apps are available on Google Play Store, with a new one being added every couple of seconds.
Whether you have an iOS or Android app, you want to get your app in the hands of as many users as possible. Do you know how people discover apps in this competitive atmosphere? This can be easier said than done with so many apps out there like yours, what makes yours different enough to grab the attention of a consumer? Let’s uncover everything you need to know about how people discover mobile apps.
How Do Users Discover New Apps? How do People Find Apps To Download?
Most of the time, people engage in apps in a variety of ways which include browsing an app store, interacting with friends and other users, by watching ads, etc. According to a 2016 survey conducted by Google, the mobile world learned that %51 of the time, people discover new apps from their friends and family, following with browsing app stores, and recommendations.
From 2016 to 2022, we’ve seen many changes in terms of discoverability, such as Apple removing app preview from the apps you’ve already downloaded, so you can focus on other apps while you make searching on the App Store, for iOS 15. Click here to see all the upgrades and news about discoverability, and more.
App Store shares the details of app discovery here, you can also read Google Play Store’s information about discoverability on their website.
How To Increase App Downloads?
1- Optimize your App Store Page
To get more people to discover your app and hopefully download your app, as an app developer you’d like everything to be ready. You wouldn’t like to invite guests to your office if they can’t find your place or don’t know how to get there, or your place is disorganized and looks complicated.
Make sure you have a catchy app name and logo, relevant and original title and subtitle, as well as an informative and clear description to encourage your visitors to take action. Your mobile app should have an app page that’s visually and technically built well with every element and should be ready to be promoted.
This way, you can get more people to discover your app and get more downloads as well. Wanted to know more? You can read our blog on getting discovered and gaining subscribers, for more details.
2- Create A Good User Experience
When you’re developing your app, don’t ignore the design and user experience. Is your app easy to navigate? Can users enter and visit different parts of your app without being confused? Or else, you can waste the potential your mobile app has if they come and just because they didn’t understand what to do, they leave.
Visualize what your app will look like, make sketches, imagine what your potential users want and need and in which ways your app will solve their problem, and how your app will engage with them.
You should think technical and emotional at the same time. If your app page is strong enough to catch users and encouraging enough to get more users to download your app, the next step is to create a strong mobile app experience.
3- Make Advertisements on Apple Search Ads (ASA) or in Google Play Store
Making advertisements on Apple Search Ads and Google Play Store is another great way to reach more users. Since people discover new mobile apps inside app stores, you can find the right users at the right time. The algorithm of the app stores helps you to reach more targeted people so you can find the exact users who are interested in your app. But this step requires a certain budget and expertise, and we highly recommend developers to work with experts.
To create a succeeding mobile ad campaign and make the most of your budget, you need visually good ads that have persuasive and relevant content. We also recommend testing different ads and using the succeeding one in the long run. All these steps require time and specialty, which may cause a lot of trial and error if you try to conduct them on your own, and lose your money while trying to figure out these stages. If you want to learn more, you can read our blog about marketing platforms.
“Make sure that each step is informative, clear, and related enough…”
4- Measure The Conversion Of Your Visitors
Do you know how many people visited your app’s page? How many visitors does your app have, how many of them installed your app after the visit? And how much have these installs turned into a subscription?
These metrics will show you the problem area or succeeding area on your app’s acquisition funnel. Make sure that each step is informative, clear, and related enough, easy-to-navigate, easy-to-use so more visitors can become users of your app. If you have an iOS app, you can learn more about finding the analytics of your app from here.
How Do Apps Get Noticed In The App Store?
The App Store editors select, discover and analyze new mobile apps every day. App Store reveals that they have more than 150 editors from worldwide, and they also shared on their website that they highlight apps that are accessible, have an optimized product page, are localized, and have a strong UI. Besides technical requirements, they also highlight the mobile apps that are innovative, solve a unique problem or bring a new approach to solve a unique problem, etc.
App Store has strong attention to stories, so you can invest in the storytelling side of your mobile app or when you promote your app, you can consider using storytelling. To learn more, you can visit the App Store’s guidelines about getting featured.
If you’d like to submit your app to the App Store for getting featured, you can submit your app from here. Side note: Make sure to submit your app six to eight weeks before you launch.
How To Get 100K App Downloads?
There’s no secret formula to get 100K downloads or 1M downloads. Several factors affect the download number of your app: Such as can your app be used by a mass community? Do you provide a brand new or innovative solution or idea that people would like to use?
If you have a promising app that can pass marketing tests, an app publishing company can help you reach out to more users with the right strategy in a specific period of time.
“Try to get your first 100 users…”
How To Promote Your App For Free?
After you’ve created your app, the first users are probably your family and friends. So you can join different developer communities, share your app, ask for feedback and gain your first organic users after your close circle. For example, if you’ve developed an app for bikers, you can promote your app in communities and groups of bikers over the internet and social media.
Try to get your first 100 users, and then you can get your app to be seen, discovered by publishing companies or you can submit your app to publishing companies too. A partnership with a publishing company is another option to promote, and beyond promoting, market your app and reach more users worldwide free, and share the revenue in return. This is a perfect opportunity if you need more budget and don’t have money or time to market your app.
So, if you are interested and would like to know more,
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