Here’s How To Optimize Your App In The Best Way & Reach More Users In Google Play Store

6 min readFeb 7, 2022


There are over 5 million Android apps on Google Play Store worldwide.

In such a competitive business arena, Android app store optimization is an important strategy for higher app downloads. Improving your app store rankings and discoverability is the quickest way to increase downloads and reap the associated business benefits.

In this article you’ll find a bunch of actionable tips that will help you gain visibility in the Google Play Store, outwit your competitors and take advantage of the opportunities that are available for both developers and Android users. Let’s get started!

Optimizing Your Product Page In Google Play Store

a) Choosing The Product Title And Screenshots

The first thing that users see in the Play Store search results when looking for an app is the title of the app. Titles and descriptions are very important, and Google Play allows you to have more control over these elements than Apple.

— For starters, titles must be unique for each of your products. You can have a different title for each language, and you can include up to 4 short descriptions for each language also.

You should use a keyword-rich title for two main reasons: one, to help the app rank higher in Google Play, and two, to attract users who are searching for that keyword. So, when choosing your title, here are some things you should consider: How relevant is it to your product? How competitive is your keyword? And how long should it be?

The images are always important! A nice cover photo will grab the attention of the user. Show off your app, or a screenshot that speaks to the value of your app. Since these images are shown in Google Play Store on mobile devices, ensure that they look good on a mobile screen. Remember that if users can’t see it or understand it, they won’t download it.

b) Category Section

The second important thing is the category section. When you are choosing a category for your app, make sure that it has enough competition but not too much of it. Choose a category with roughly 100–1000 other apps. If there are more than 1000 apps, this means that you have to compete with all the top apps which will be very hard for you. If there are less than 100 apps in the category, it won’t get much traffic compared to 1000 apps in one category.

c) Description

Unlike in the App Store, Google Play Store has two different descriptions, a long description and a short version of the same one. You should shortly grab the attention of users in the short one, without trying to put keywords, since it’s very short with only 80 characters.

For the long description, start with the first line of your description and look at it from a buyer’s perspective. The most important thing to remember is that you need to answer this question:

Why would someone want to download your app?
What is it that your app does?
What makes it stand out?
How does this benefit people?

These questions should all be answered in the description so that people have a reason to try out the app, and potentially download it.

The description length of the Google Play Store is 4000 characters. You should also involve relevant and highly converting keywords for your app’s category, and repeat them as much as you can.

You can also include keywords in the developer name and your app’s URL as well since it’s important for android apps to get discovered.

d) Adding A Call-to-action Button On Your Product Page

You can improve conversion by using a call-to-action (CTA) button on your product page. A CTA is a way to communicate with users, giving them a clear action they should take next. By adding a “download” or “get it now” button on your product page, you can encourage users to take action and drive more installs to your app.

e) Promoting Your App Through Google

Google can be a relevant and powerful tool for promoting apps. With all the options available, it can be difficult to sort out how you should use Google Ads to promote your app in the most efficient manner. Think about your ideal outcome, do you need more installs? Or do you need more people to sign up for your app before it has launched?

It’s also important to make tests with different campaigns, in different countries. According to the best result you’ve received, you can concentrate on a specific message and country on your ads, and get more traction as a result.

You can make advertisements for your app on Google across Search, Play, Display, and YouTube platforms.* Let’s see which one is beneficial for your target and ideal outcome.

1- Search Ads

When you advertise on the Google Search Network, your ad can show near search results when someone searches with terms related to one of your keywords.* For example, when you search “how to market your mobile app” on Google, the result on the top of the page is a search ad from Tik Tok.

2- Play Store Ads

You can advertise your app in the Play Store. In this type of ad, your ad includes your app icon, app name, developer name, your text ideas, and a link to a Play store listing, so people can install your app or sign up to be notified when the app is available.* It’s also possible to advertise even before your app is available on the Play Store, and this type of campaign is called “App pre-registration

Image Source: Martech

3- Display Ads

Another advertisement format on Google is display ads. In this type of ad, you can engage with your users visually, and a short text that will explain the visual you showcase to your target audience. Your potential users can see your ad on websites, apps, and Google-owned platforms, such as YouTube and Gmail.

4- YouTube Ads

You can make a video form of an advertisement on Google, which will be displayed on YouTube. As you’ve learned on the search ads, video ads are also viewed and targeted for the people who’ve searched for similar keywords that your app has.

Depending on your budget, strategy, or targeting, you can choose YouTube as your ad platform and reach your potential users in the right place. For example, if you want to advertise a fitness app, you can reach your ideal users by a video ad, to the people who’ve searched fitness-related words on Google.

The art of acquisition is a never-ending process, it requires a certain level of expertise in the field. Google has 1.4 billion+ users worldwide, which means that your app could potentially reach a wide target group of potential users. This fact should not be overlooked by developers and entrepreneurs, and it’s why they strive to get their apps featured in the Google Play Store and climb up the app store rankings.

If you are looking to maximize your revenue on Google Play Store, you need to be sure that you have the right strategies and the best tools to achieve your goal. Focus on the quality of your app, your product page, and your landing page, and always make sure that you are getting better results for each strategy.

If you need help, marketing budget, and expert’s view during these processes, Cherry is here for you.

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